Thursday, 11 July 2013


Love fuel desire never vanquished.
It grows yet and forever reside
and like the river it freely flow.
It is set as a seal upon the heart
Nothing can put off its burning flame
Nothing can plunder nor strikes victory.
It is not shaken in the cruelest tempest
but stand still as the mountain strong.
Love is earnest, its weapon love.
Nothing can substitute nor compliment.
No amount of transcription  ll ever suffice.
Often it desist with the minds concord,
As sharp as double edge sword
none is rendered uncut in its face.
As poisonous the venom of vipers bite
stranded many seeking  its cure devoid.
And as is to death we come, so is love.
when the heart descried love, It is to-
behold the scarlet charm of roses blossom,
that no amount of rhythm ll ever describe!